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Artículo: Brännö Yoga Studio | in Brännö

Brännö Yoga Studio | in Brännö


Brännö Yoga Studio is located at Jydeklovan 11, in Brännö, Sweden. Operating within the category of a yoga studio, Brännö Yoga offers a variety of classes catering to different experience levels and preferences. Classes at Brännö Yoga Studio range from gentle and restorative sessions to more dynamic and challenging practices, ensuring there is something for everyone. The studio boasts a tranquil and welcoming ambiance, providing a peaceful space for students to focus on their practice and relax. Instructors at Brännö Yoga Studio are known for their expertise and dedication to guiding students through their yoga journey. With a focus on alignment, breath awareness, and mindfulness, the instructors help participants deepen their practice and connect mind, body, and spirit. Apart from regular classes, Brännö Yoga Studio also features unique events and workshops aimed at enhancing the yoga experience and fostering a sense of community among practitioners. These special events provide an opportunity for students to explore different aspects of yoga practice and delve deeper into specific techniques or themes. For more information on class schedules, workshops, and events, interested individuals can visit the studio's website at or contact them directly at 46731012330.0. Brännö Yoga Studio is a welcoming and inclusive space where individuals can explore the transformative power of yoga in a supportive environment.


Jydeklovan 11, 430 85 Brännö


E-Mail: 46731012330.0
Website: Yoga

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